This game is fun when the server is not dead, thankfully the dev merges servers to keep things alive. Ive been playing since the start. The bad reviews are accurate. The good reviews also. List.
1.This game is glitchy. Expect game breaking unfortunate happenings.
2. This game is glitchy. Expect random good things (glitched chests etc, which you will need to save your free pearls for.)
3. You can pay to play or free to play, paying obviously lands you farther ahead, and gives you greater advantages, free to play will take a long time and alot of work and probably multiple accounts or a high end alliance.
4. The game is laggy. Sometimes during vital attacks or defensive retaliations, troops will not return for minutes at a time, or take extra long to travel, or dont start traveling for a few minutes on occasions. If this happens during a fight or flight. Youre screwed.
5. Customer Service and support is complete trash. Especially given how the game is such a glitch trip, compensation for failure on the devs part is present, its just a joke.
6. Support only cares if you are a VIP ( youve spent X amount of dollars on the game).
7. Instead of fixing issues, devs release new piles of crap to do, and raise the army/power gain turnover. Usually resulting in more glitches and issues.
8. This company is trying to rob you for some of their in app purchases. Price is high for gain. (Though used to be alot higher, however retroactively speaking, the ratios are largely the same as it was 3 years ago)
Sceebo about Spartan Wars, v1.5.6